Silk blouse: Lorick
Silk romper: Rachel Antonoff
Oxfords: Steven by Steve Madden
Purse: vintage (mom's)
Photos by Dave
Well, this outfit was one of those difficult to photograph get-ups - you know, the sort that looks great when you're actually wearing it, but looks rather... unflattering in photos for some reason. We must have tried a million different poses, lighting and backdrops. I guess you can't win 'em all! I really like the sunflare in these pictures though, so these are the few that made the cut. I bought this amazing romper on sale from Bona Drag last winter, after coveting Rachel Antonoff's designs for what feels like forever, and I couldn't wait until it was warm enough to wear it. Also, it reminds me of a Busby Berkeley chorus girl, which is always awesome. A few weeks ago, I finally got my chance, and this is how I styled it to go eat chicken wings at Gabriel's Gate with Dave one evening. Perhaps silk wasn't the best choice for the occasion, as I had to wipe copious amounts of wing sauce from the patio chair at our table before sitting down, and I spent the rest of evening utterly terrified that I would spill something on myself (miraculously, I didn't). Still, the material felt great on a hot summer evening, and the blouse caught every little breeze - instant air conditioning!
Dave grabbed the camera and captured a stunning glamour shot of himself:
Also, a big welcome to my new followers! Please accept these jazz hands as greetings!
As always, thanks for reading, and I hope to post again soon!